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Counterfeits Euro Dollar Pound Sterling

Counterfeits Euro Dollar Pound Sterling

  • Description:

    Counterfeits different countries. Always in stock with different par value.


    European Euro
    US Dollar
    Pound Sterling
    Canadian Dollar
    Yuan Renminbi
    Australian Dollar


    20 EUR bills

    500 EUR ( 25 bills ) 0.0131 ฿
    1000 EUR ( 50 bills ) 0.0262 ฿
    1500 EUR ( 75 bills ) 0.0373 ฿
    2000 EUR ( 100 bills ) 0.0497 ฿

    5000 EUR ( 250 bills ) 0.1177 ฿
    7500 EUR ( 375 bills ) 0.1667 ฿
    10000 EUR ( 500 bills ) 0.2092 ฿
    15000 EUR ( 750 bills ) 0.2942 ฿


    50 EUR bills

    500 EUR ( 10 bills ) 0.0131 ฿
    1000 EUR ( 20 bills ) 0.0262 ฿
    1500 EUR ( 30 bills ) 0.0373 ฿
    2000 EUR ( 40 bills ) 0.0497 ฿

    5000 EUR ( 100 bills ) 0.1177 ฿
    7500 EUR ( 150 bills ) 0.1667 ฿
    10000 EUR ( 200 bills ) 0.2092 ฿
    15000 EUR ( 300 bills ) 0.2942 ฿


    100 EUR bills

    500 EUR ( 5 bills ) 0.0131 ฿
    1000 EUR ( 10 bills ) 0.0262 ฿
    1500 EUR ( 15 bills ) 0.0373 ฿
    2000 EUR ( 20 bills ) 0.0497 ฿

    5000 EUR ( 50 bills ) 0.1177 ฿
    7500 EUR ( 75 bills ) 0.1667 ฿
    10000 EUR ( 100 bills ) 0.2092 ฿
    15000 EUR ( 150 bills ) 0.2942 ฿

  • Price: 0.0131 ฿
  • Contacts:
  • Web (71)
  • Tags: counterfeits, euro, dollar, pound sterling
Counterfeit money for sale

Counterfeit money for sale

  • Description: Welcome to our store! We produce high quality counterfeits money of 20 DOLLARS and 20 EURO because it's easy to spend. No matter the high price of our bills, just think about quality; we are selling high quality counterfeits money, only verified bills admitted for sale. Come buy and tell others people how our services and products are. Note that minimum order is $250/€250. We accept trusted offshore bitcoin escrow only when your orders start to $1000/€1000. About shipping cost, all shipping prices will be based on weight, height, width and your location. Please choose your product below and place order by e-mail us: gthgmthod (at) USD BILLS: $20X25 = $500 you pay $250. $20X50 = $1000 you pay $500. $20X75 = $1500 you pay $670. $20X100 = $2000 you pay $800. $20X150 = $3000 you pay $1150. $20X200 = $4000 you pay $1375. $20X250 = $5000 you pay $1500 — For order up to 250 notes please contact us for better discount! EURO BILLS: €20x25 = €500 you pay €250. €20x50 = €1000 you pay €500. €20x75 = €1500 you pay €670. €20x100= €2000 you pay €800. €20x150 = €3000 you pay €1150. €20x200 = €4000 you pay €1375. €20x250 = €5000 you pay €1500 — For order up to 250 notes please contact us for better discount!coincidence
  • Price: $250/€250
  • Contacts:
  • Tags: counterfeits money, fake banknotes, fake euro and dollars for sale, fake bills for sale