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THE PHILOSOPHY OF A WHOREcuckold as a factor of...

Snow-covered white morning. Through the window of a clean single room, a frosted light shines through. Anton sits on the bed and tells the curly-haired young black-haired doctor his story. He is a little inhibited from drugs, often looks past the interlocutor. But he needs to talk, and he does so despite pauses and sighs. This was the most mysterious and exciting adventure. No, it was an explosion, a transformation, a revolution. She turned my life around. I almost interrupted her. My life was in her power. Anton met her in a University classroom. She taught second-year graduate students a course in modern Western philosophy. He had never been interested in philosophy; it had always seemed to him a second-class science. He came first for the sake of her melodious voice and to contemplate her strict profile. Then it was drawn into the object. Closer to the tests, I dared and asked for individual consultations. They began to stay in an empty classroom after classes. Her melodious voice took on an intimate tone in the dialogue, and the echoes of the empty hall accentuated it. He liked to listen to her, to smell her. And follow a clear and bold thought. Anna suggested that he write an essay on the subject of service in medieval philosophy. At meetings, they were immersed in the world of Dante, Meister Eckhart, Songs about the Nibelungs, the history of the Crusades. According to Anna's theory, the medieval passion ascent had a specific libidinal goal in its heart. The hero became a hero and performed feats, guided by the service of a Beautiful Lady. This metaphor was at the heart of all the medieval imperatives that drove noble men to conquer, intrigue, and achieve. And to death. It was this motive that determined asceticism, withdrawal from active social life in some and desperate military exploits in others. The more the consciousness of a medieval hero was enslaved by the image of his Beloved, the more his passion potential was realized. But it often led to the death of the hero. The break in Anna and Anton's relationship came after two weeks of their weekly seminars. The audience was busy that day, and Anna offered to study at her home. Anton's heart was pounding as they crossed the border of her apartment, her refuge. Everything here was filled with it. Every detail of her tastefully furnished home, the faint scent of her perfume, her clothes on the hall hanger, her books. Anton's head was spinning. Anna asked me to make tea. For the first time, she asked me to do something for her. In a sweet languor, I took out the cups, made the tea, and brought the tray into the room. We sat on the sofa and talked about the Parallels of the idea of service in Eastern philosophy. It seems that they discussed the Way of the samurai as a model of self-sacrifice. According to Anna, at the heart of any man's selflessness is the desire to be absorbed by the female part of his soul, the Anima. The conscious or unconscious attraction to Anime determines the self-sacrificing masculine behavior as it is. I listened, mesmerized. She was drawing a diagram of the selfless mode in a notebook. The handle fell to the floor at her feet, and I rushed to pick it up. When I lifted her, she moved her foot, and for a second my rough fingers touched hers. I held that touch for a second longer and gently kissed her finger. Anna said nothing, but her face was clearly flushed with pleasure. We continued as if nothing had happened. Since that memorable meeting, we have been meeting more and more often at her apartment under one pretext or another. Our subtle game was repeated. Each time Anna gave me some instructions, I noticed that she was happy to watch me perform them. And after performing innocent household tasks, I received a little encouragement – sometimes she casually touched me for a moment, then I jokingly kissed the fingers of her hand. I was getting more and more used to the idea of serving Anna. I was learning more about her. Anna was an only child, and her father left her and her mother early. Anna grew up a gifted girl-piano, mathematics, languages – everything came easily to her. At the age of 23, she had already completed her dissertation in philosophy. The subject was Michel Foucault. The defense was brilliant, her work was translated into English and French, and she gave a series of lectures on it at the Sorbonne. Anna is used to achieving everything herself. Don't depend on anyone. To finish her education, she gave private lessons-piano, German, and English. She didn't let anyone near her. Now 27, she looks completely self-sufficient. Perfect. Anna absorbed all my thoughts, and it was a deep passion. The attraction to her thoughts, image, personality, naturally developed into a crazy attraction to her femininity. I was haunted by erotic fantasies, and I was highly aroused by the mere thought of her. One day we went to her as usual. After a while, she got a call and left the apartment for an hour, asking me to wait. When the door closed behind her, I couldn't help myself and went to her bedroom. I was overcome with a sweet languor when I dared to open her closet. Thin dresses, trousers, blouses, everything contained her subtle fragrance. Listening to her heartbeat, I opened the drawer with her underwear with trembling fingers. Just the thought of those beautiful Lacy satin pieces of fabric touching her private parts gave me a sweet shock. First I looked at her panties and bras, then I started sorting through them. I had a crazy erection, probably never had one before. I got carried away with it, and when I turned around some time later, I saw Anna in the doorway. Anna later told me that when she caught me in the bedroom, she felt a great excitement and at the same time a desire to punish me. The impulse to punish me aroused her even more. She looked at me sternly, reproachful and disappointed. But her eyes flashed with a mad light, and she said, "on your knees." I got up on my knees. I think I crawled at her feet for a long time, begging for forgiveness. She scornfully called me a cheap fetishist, a pig, a naughty boy. Each of her curses brought me joy and a desire to lose myself in her desires. "Anything, just forgive me." That day I shined her shoes, cleaned the apartment, under her supervision. Finally, at the end of the day, she asked, perhaps as a reward, to sort out her underwear and load it into the machine. She watched me do it in wild excitement, blushed and sometimes looked carefully between my legs, at the raised mound of my penis. We had a glass of wine late at night, and she said, "Now you've exposed your libidinal impulses. This in itself is natural. But you are at a crossroads - either succumb to their bestial form and harass me like a cheap slut, or... Learn your true nature. Turn your crude male desires into a noble service to me. I admit that it is possible." I agreed to serve her. We continued to study different thinkers. When we were discussing psychoanalytic concepts, Anna struck me with this idea: "all Freudian mythology is the last Outpost of flawed male sexuality. If you approach the topic without obsessive cultural stereotypes, the notorious penis envy is a sociocultural myth. A man's sexuality is crude and primitive. Orgasm is short-lived and requires the body to recover from it. Women's sexuality is much more diverse and deep, and women's erotic experiences are more subtle, long-lasting, and intense. They are the crown of nature's creation. It is not the envy of the penis that actually exists, but the hidden envy of men for women's fruitful sexuality. In this sense, we women are the higher sex, and man's service to woman is biologically programmed." She added: "you have an amazing chance to become yourself, for I accept your service. I like you." Between intellectual pursuits, we played more and more sophisticated and varied games. She liked, after devotional can handle me numerous domestic tasks for example, tying my hands behind his stockings to his mouth I've stripped her, took off her tights and licking her legs, from top to bottom. For a long time, she kept me out of the inner sanctum. But one day it happened. She called it an Initiation. All right. By that time, she was used to playing with my penis, it amused her to touch it with her feet, RUB it with her small feet. She stood like a Goddess, and I lay completely at her mercy. In General, dissolving in her, in her will, in her desires – this was the source of the highest bliss of our meetings. That's what attracted her to me. That it was genuine, not a sham in the pursuit of thrills, but a vivid and natural experience to surrender to the will of a beautiful, perfect woman. She never brought me to orgasm, leaving a sweet field of incompleteness. So, on the day of the initiation, she tied my hands behind my back, stood over me, and first slowly lowered herself on my face. This bodily metaphor of my submission created an incredible erotic electricity in our couple. My face was pressed between her soft legs, and I breathed into her warm panties. She fidgeted a little on my face. This degree of obedience was clearly very much to her taste. I was engrossed in her scent, and I could feel the moisture of her secret place on my lips, behind a thin strip of silk. She suddenly stood up and pulled down her panties. The first time I saw her naked, I was truly dazzled. "Lick it," she ordered, crouching down. "Not so, fool. Stick your tongue out better." She began to RUB her private parts against my tongue. It was very delicious and blissfully pleasant. She loved it. She moved slowly, then intensely, smiling, laughing, moaning. Several times she pulled away, squeezing her thighs a little in a blissful moan. When I licked her from behind, already quite skillfully penetrating the tip of my tongue into the tender anus, she touched her fingers to my penis and I came violently for the first time. And the orgasm covered my entire body. The initiation was successful. It wasn't a practice she gave me every day. More often than not, she preferred to let me into the world of her refined philosophy and enjoyed running errands for me. In General, everything happened at our place at her request. I felt like her favorite Teddy bear, and this role suited me very well.
5 january 2022 0 6251


Hemp seeds are a product that has been known for its beneficial properties since the ancient world. Outwardly, they look like flax fruits, buckwheat or small kernels of corn. It is noteworthy that there is no cannabinol in them, unlike the stems and leaves, which makes the seeds absolutely safe for consumption. They are successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking. They keep them for a year. The best place is dark and dry.
Composition features
Cannabis seeds contain:
49% of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3 and 6. It is noteworthy that their ratio is ideal in terms of daily requirements;
30% protein. The uniqueness of hemp seed is that it contains a component identical to the protein in human blood. There are few such plants in nature. For example, they contain 65% globulin and a little less albumin. They are very important for maintaining the immune system, as they produce antibodies. With their help, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Another feature of the seeds is the absence of gluten, which is characteristic of all cereals. Therefore, they can be consumed by people who are allergic to this component and with celiac disease;
vitamins: E, C, group B, D, caratinoids;
amino acids (20 in total, 10 of them are non-reproducible by the human body);
minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.).
If we talk about the nutritional value of this product, then 100 grams of cannabis seeds contain:
proteins - 20-30 g;
carbohydrates - 0 g;
fats - 30-38 g;
water – 11.5 g .
The total number of calories in this case is 373 kcal.
Medicinal properties of hemp seed
It is recommended to buy cannabis seeds because of the health-improving effect they have. The main positive qualities:
prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, strengthen heart muscles due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in the composition;
normalize the level of hemoglobin, so they are used for anemia;
they envelop the gastrointestinal mucosa, so they are prescribed for various digestive problems;
they are characterized by anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, therefore they are successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes;
they are an analgesic, diuretic;
relieve stressful situations, effectively fight insomnia;
they improve memory and concentration of attention, so the use of these seeds is shown to people engaged in the field of intellectual work;
prevent liver diseases;
they remove toxins from the body, promote weight loss, improve intestinal peristalsis;
used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity;
reduce the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence, infertility;
they increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers, so they are recommended to use if it is not enough;
have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, prolong youth;
they are considered a good tool in the fight against PMS;
they have a positive effect on the general condition during the treatment of oncological diseases.
Cannabis is also successfully used in various alternative medicine recipes.
Hemp seed can be used not only internally (as tinctures and decoctions), but also externally. They are used to make various poultices to relieve pain during abscesses, rheumatism, burns.
How to use hemp seed
Before you buy cannabis seeds, you need to know how to use them. Except as a medicinal product, they are used as a dietary supplement.
Fruits are components of salads, sauces, desserts, pastries. Medicinal hemp tea can be brewed from them. Ground seeds are added to cereals and coffee. They go well with dried fruits, vegetables and cheese. Hemp seed can be combined with the fruits of other plants: flax, sesame, sunflower. Also, flour is made from it at home by grinding seeds in a blender.
In order for cannabis seeds to bring maximum benefit, a person needs to eat 35-40 g (1-2 tablespoons) of hemp seeds per day. The following dishes and drinks are made from them:
1. Hemp milk. It is necessary to buy cannabis seeds in Moscow and mix them with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively. Whisk the resulting mass in a blender and strain. The product can be added to sauces, prepared on its basis a variety of cocktails, fruit smoothies. Excellent combinations are obtained with bananas, pears, apples, mangoes, raspberries, cinnamon, honey;
2. kon.jdkAshi. To prepare them, you need to take peeled hemp seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds in equal quantities. They need to be filled with water and left overnight. Then this mixture should be washed, add the chopped fruit and whisk in a blender. You can also cook porridge only from hemp seeds. They are soaked in cold water for several hours, and then brought to a boil, but not boiled. After the porridge has boiled, it is turned off and wrapped in a towel for a few minutes. You don't need to add butter to the dish;
3. Desserts. Using such an ingredient, you can make delicious homemade chocolate. To do this, you will need:
seeds - 1 tsp.;
cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
butter - 50 g;
sugar - 1 tsp.;
milk - 2 tbsp. l
The proportions can be changed depending on the desired amount of the finished product. First soak the cannabis in cold water for about 2 hours. Melt the butter in a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients in another container and bring to a homogeneous mass, add the butter. Bring all this to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the seeds into the hot mixture, pour into molds and send them to the refrigerator or freezer to solidify. If desired, you can also add coconut chips, nuts, etc.;
4. Urbech. This dish is traditional for the peoples of the Caucasus. It is a thick paste that is consumed independently or spread on sandwiches. Ingredients: hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and honey (1 tbsp each). The seeds must be cleaned, fried, ground in a blender and add honey. The product is ready. There is also a second recipe for this dish. You will need: honey, sunflower seeds and hemp - 3 tablespoons each, half a cup of apricot seeds, 20 g of butter. It is necessary to remove the core from the seeds, fry them together with the seeds and grind, add pre-melted butter and honey. Please note: urbech is characterized by a high calorie content, and therefore consume it in reasonable quantities. If you are diagnosed with obesity, it is better to refuse the dish or consult your doctor beforehand about the possibility of its use.
27 december 2021 0 4113


We gathered a small company outside the city with friends to relax, me, Kostya, Vika and Ksyusha. We set the table, drank, sat, talked, Kostya went away to flood the bath, and the girls left together in another room, I was left alone at the table. Sitting idle for about 10 minutes, I decided to go find out what the girls were doing, the door to their room was ajar, I looked in there and saw them half-naked kissing and caressing each other. Without making a noise, looking through the door crack, I got very excited, which made me lower my pants and jerk off quickly. Taking off my pants and taking my penis in my hand, I began to gently play with the head watching them pull off each other's shorts, suddenly Vika looked towards the door, noticing me with a penis in my hands. I stopped their caresses with Ksyusha and told her, "it seems someone wanted to come to us third," I'm scared trying to pull on and fasten my pants, looking up, the girls are already standing in front of me and pulling me by the hand into the room. I try to apologize and explain that I don't know how it happened, to which Vika replies, "do you really want to apologize?" I nodded my head a little confused in response, she said that I would have such a chance and pushed me onto the bed, kneeling over me. I am stunned and excited at the same time I do not understand what is happening, trying to get up, she pressed me to the bed, sitting on my face. So I started licking Vika while Ksyusha was doing something out of my field of vision. Her pussy is so wet and smooth, I began to like the way she fidgets on my face and starts flowing down my shoulders. While I was licking Vicki's crotch, Ksyusha pulled off my pants, I started thinking that she would give me a blowjob, but suddenly she lifted my legs and began to lubricate my ass with something cold, frightened, I tried to get up, but Vick pressed me harder, leaning her finger against her lips, showing that I was quieter. Having lubricated me better, I felt something hard pressing against my ass. It turned out to be Kostya, who was called by Ksyusha, he drove his rather large penis, much larger than mine, along my wet ass, pushing hard against it while Ksyusha played with my penis with her hands. Suddenly there was a sharp push and a stylish pain that made me howl and bend, but Vika quickly plugged my squeal with her cunt. Kostya roughly began to enter me, increasing the speed, and every time I felt his balls slapping my ass, and gradually the pain began to turn into pleasure and excitement. After a couple of minutes of actively slotting my ass, I was already trying to assist myself by moving in time with how he enters me. Suddenly he came out of me and Vika got off my face. The three of them stood over me and whispered to each other and smiled. Vika and Ksyusha lay down next to each other and told me to turn around to face them and lift my prickly ass. Already eager to continue, I obeyed and turned over, kneeling and bending my back. From behind, Kostya quickly and confidently settled down, moistening my ass with saliva, he again began to hammer me in the ass, slapping on it, while I began to lick the girls in turn. His cock is so big and hot that my legs went numb and I fell on my stomach after a couple of minutes, this did not stop him and he continued to tear me by taking my hair and pressing my head to Ksyusha's pussy, my moans made them laugh and spank me. After almost an hour of constant licking and wild slotting, he finally came out of me, and told the three of us to kneel on the floor, I obeyed and, Together with Vika and Ksyusha, knelt down, he approached me point-blank, took my head and roughly inserted his penis into my throat, blocking my air. Vika was jerking me off and Ksyusha was licking bones' balls while he was fucking my mouth. Towards the end, he abruptly took it out of me and ordered me to jerk off his cock himself. I was able to grab it with both hands, and started jerking off while Vika and Ksyusha sucked his balls, which were all in my saliva. I was actively jerking off his thick hot cock when I suddenly felt a shot of hot thick sperm in my face. I opened my mouth to grab all the leftovers, and the girls licked everything off my face.
20 december 2021 0 5471

WITH TWO COCKSWhy is there no traffic...

Until one day I had to go alone by train to Moscow. We had to go for 12 hours. I went into my compartment, where there were already 2 guys and one middle-aged woman. Everyone got acquainted somehow quickly and sat down to drink tea and cakes together. The guys were named Andrey and Maxim, both about 30 years old, cute, not full sociable funny guys. The woman got off at her bus stop a couple of hours later, the three of us stayed. At that time, I didn't even have the idea that I could have sex with them. And then somehow the feminine principle took its toll and I began to flirt. Innocent and quite decent. From the thoughts that arose, I got excited and my nipples stood up, became visible under the T-shirt. Maxim was the first to notice this, and trying to imperceptibly, began to look at them. It was already dark outside the window, the train was rocking, I didn't want to sleep, we continued to talk about abstract topics, smoothly switched to more intimate ones. I was quite relaxed and openly talked about this topic. From these conversations, I was very excited and my lower abdomen burned pleasantly. Andrey asked if I had a threesome. I understood that maybe my fantasy would come true that night and replied that no, but there were thoughts about it. I felt Maxim's touch on my back. He sat and ran his finger down the spine from top to bottom. I didn't move away. This served as a signal to them and Maxim bent down and kissed me on the neck. And Andrey slipped his hand under his T-shirt and squeezed the nipple with his fingers. I was already flowing. Maxim got up from the shelf, unbuttoned his fly and took out his penis. I screamed - the penis was huge. My husband's is also far from small, but this one was really huge. The big head barely fit into my mouth, the trunk was thick and in the veins. He started pushing it deeper, holding my head. - Do you like it harder or do you want to be gentle? I wanted to be tougher. Moreover, I wanted to be taken as a whore. Maxim started holding my head and putting my mouth on his penis. Andrey at this time pulled off my shorts and T-shirt, I was sitting completely naked, one fucked me in the mouth, and the other groped me with his hands. He, too, had already undressed, I took his penis, which was smaller than Maxim's. Maxim put me on cancer and laughed - wow, you're ready already, a puddle under you, well, you're leaking! Andrey had just inserted his balls into my mouth when Maxim ran his head over my pussy, lightly touching the anus. I almost came as soon as he entered me, I was so excited. Feeling a huge hot cock inside me, I began to actively suck and swallow Andrey's penis, waving my ass towards Max's movements. Both guys broke up in earnest, one roughly fucked me in the mouth, the other slapping his hand on the buttocks fucked in the pussy so that the eggs hit the clitoris even more driving me crazy. Then they changed. - I hope you like anal sex, because I'm going to fuck you in the ass, the hole beckoned me, Maxim barely restrained himself and laughed. From the thought that this huge dick will hammer my ass, I was scared and excited at the same time. But first she had to be prepared. Andrey took a cucumber from the table and shoved it in. I groaned. And when he started to fuck me with them with quick jerks, I was already begging to be fucked with something thicker. I was excited by the sensations, from the fact that I was cheating on my husband, from the fact that I felt dirty and depraved. I was standing cancer on my elbows with my ass high up, Andrey fucked me with a cucumber, and Maxim took grease and a bunch of bananas out of his bag. Choosing which one is thicker than a cucumber, they began to develop my hole with it. I burned and wanted more. "Fuck me already, fuck me like the last time," I begged, further provoking the guys. Andrey lubricated his penis and with a sharp movement inserted it up to the balls in my ass. I screamed and got scared. What will I feel when Maxim and his giant take Andrey's place? Andrey then took it out and put it back in, Maxim fucked me in my mouth again, I pulled my clitoris with my hand and finished over and over again. - My turn, I want this hole - Maxim liberally smeared grease on the penis. Andrey immediately put it back in his mouth. I was lying on my back on the shelf, turning my head to the right, sucking Andrey's cock, and Maxim settled down, put my legs on my shoulders and leaned his head against my hole, which did not close until the end. I relaxed to make it easier for Max to enter, and then he abruptly planted. It hurt me. I screamed and by inertia wanted to move away, but Maxim held me by the hips and accelerating harder and harder began to fuck me in the ass. I couldn't scream, but only mumbled with Andrey's cock in my mouth. Max lifted me by the pelvis and literally screwed his dick, although there was nowhere deeper. He put the finger of his right hand in my pussy, then the second and third. The pain has already passed, I was seized with lust and madness. Then Andrey lay down on his back, I sat on top of him and jumped on him while Max smoked. Max slapped me on the ass and Andrey pressed me to him, then I realized what they were up to and was scared, even started asking not to do it, but there was no stopping them. - Come on, you'll like it! I felt Andrey's penis in my pussy, pressing my chest against him, I raised my ass higher and Max fell in behind. The head of his penis slid between the buttocks, pressed against the hole and Max pressed. With difficulty and causing pain, his huge cock entered my ass. The dick was in my pussy and my ass, I was fucked by two guys, tore me up, fucked like a whore. A few minutes after such a fuck, both finished on my face. We slept a little and almost reaching Moscow, where we had to say goodbye, the guys fucked me again. After this incident, I frankly told my husband about my fantasy with two members at once.
5 november 2021 0 7381


The day passed as usual. Angelica came home after work, looked into her daughter's room, asked how she was doing, changed her clothes and went to the kitchen to warm up her dinner. When suddenly the phone rang. She came up and saw that Sofia was calling, a work colleague with whom they had been working together for the last half a year. Angelica picked up the phone and heard Sophie's excited voice: - Hello, what are you doing? - Hi, nothing, I came home from work cooking dinner. - I have a request for you, I was invited to dinner in the company of very wealthy people, I met one of them at the wedding of mutual friends, I really liked him, but I'm afraid to go alone. Can I ask you to keep me company? I'm asking you very much. Angelica at first wanted to refuse, thought for a minute, and decided that it would still be more interesting than being bored all evening near the TV. - Okay, will you pick me up? "I'm in your debt," Sophie replied. Just put on an evening dress. I'll be there soon. Angelica hung up the phone and thought about what to wear. She decided that if this dinner was so important to Sophie, then she should look dazzling. Angelica took out her evening dress with an open back and a large neckline that emphasized her beautiful forms, recently bought in a boutique, pulled fishnet stockings on her slender legs and put on high-heeled shoes. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Angelica opened the door and saw Sophie in a chic tight evening dress. - Hi, the taxi is waiting. - I'm ready now. They got into the back of a taxi and headed out of town. They drove up to a luxurious mansion, which was located alone outside the city, far from the bustle of the city. The car door was opened by the butler, kindly extending his hand to the girls. - You are already expected, - he said opening the doors of the mansion. - Let me walk you out. "Come on," Angelica replied. Once in the house, the girls followed the butler into a large hall, where three men and one girl were sitting at an exquisitely laid table. Everyone was about 35. They were dressed in formal suits, and the lady was in an evening dress. - Hello, I'm Max the owner of the house. Meet Andrey, Vladimir and Olga, my companions. Please have a seat. Dinner was served immediately and red wine was poured. Sophie sat next to Max, and Angelica sat between Vladimir and Andrey. The conversation was easy and not forced, the wine was slightly dizzy, everyone was laughing and talking about abstract topics when suddenly Max got up and said: - Let's play a game. Each of those present here in turn will tell you about his most intimate sexual fantasy, and then we will all evaluate together and decide whose story is better. Angelica at first thought of giving up such a frank game, but after looking at Sophie, who was clearly interested in such a development, she agreed. The lot of the first story fell on Sophie. She began the story as she stood in a field of flowers in a light sundress and suddenly saw two horsemen approaching her. They drive up to her, jump off their horses, approach her and without talking start caressing her with their hands. She's not resisting, she's been waiting for this. One digs into her passionate lips, the second runs a finger into her panties, gently passes over her sexual lips touching the cherished pearl. From these actions, she receives a powerful stream of excitement. Suddenly one of the riders picks her up in his arms and puts her on a blanket right in the middle of a flower field. One starts caressing her breasts. The second one gently pushing aside a thin strip of panties greedily digs his mouth into her pussy, teasing her pink clitoris with his tongue. Then she gets on her knees, unzips the fly of their pants, and pulls out two big excited dicks from there. Sophie takes them in her small neat hands, brings them to her face and begins to playfully caress them with her tongue, gradually increasing the pace. She sucks dicks with such passion that the guys can't help moaning. Then one of the riders lies down on the bedspread, Sophie gracefully throws her slender leg, sits on top and gently inserts a hot penis into her vagina. The surging wave of excitement darkens the eyes, and each push increases this pleasure hundreds of times. The second rider, having lubricated his penis with grease, gently inserts it into Sophie's ass and begins to move in time with them. From such penetration, Sophie does not remember herself, screams and gets a powerful orgasm, and the guys finish on her ass after a couple of pushes. Sophie finished her story and looked at Angelica. - Well, how do you like my fantasy? - I could not imagine that you have such talents. Angelica answered. Andrey became the second by lot. He began the story: He went into the office because he had forgotten important papers on the table when he opened the door of his reception room, he could not believe his eyes. His secretary was sitting in her office chair with her legs spread wide apart, and between her legs was the head of his accountant carefully licking the clitoris. He was confused at first, but then the girls locked the door behind him and made it clear with a passionate kiss on the lips that they lacked male affection. They took off his jacket, unbuttoned his fly and greedily clung to his phallus. They licked and sucked him in turn. Then one of them took him by the tie, knocked him down on the table and climbed on top. Inserting his penis into her hole, she began to jump furiously. The second, bypassing the table, approached his face, lifted the leg and his swollen, excited labia appeared to his eyes. He began to lick them, suck them under the exciting moan of the girls. Then they changed and the exciting carousel spun with renewed vigor, when he felt the approach of an explosion, he put the girls on the stake and released a hot stream of sperm on their tongues. When Andrey finished the story, Angelica closed her eyes with excitement. She opened them when she felt someone's hand on her hip. It was Vladimir. She looked around excitedly. Sophie greedily sucked Max's cock, Andrey carefully licked Olga's crotch. She looked into Vladimir's eyes, then lowered her gaze to his fly. It was unbuttoned, and the pink head of the penis was sticking out. Angelica bent down to her and gently licked her with her tongue, then taking the penis in her hand began to suck. Suddenly someone came up from behind, pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties. Turning around for a moment, Angelica saw Max. He smiled, picked her up in his arms and carried her to the sofa. Vladimir followed him. Angelica looked around the room out of the corner of her eye. Sophie gently moaning and spreading her legs took in Andrey's big cock, Olga sat in a chair and masturbated looking at it. Max carefully put Angelica on the sofa, spread her legs and walked his tongue over the already excited sexual lips. From this, Angelica bent and leaned forward to meet pleasure. He caressed the clitoris and lips so gently that it seemed there was nothing more divine in the world, Angelica's only desire was for a big hot cock to quickly find itself in her vagina, which was bleeding with desire. After a moment, it happened. Max drove his big dick into a pussy dripping with desire. Angelica moaned softly. With every movement, she was getting closer to bliss. Vladimir brought his penis to her face and she greedily grabbed it with her lips, moaning with pleasure. It lasted about five minutes, then Max brought his penis to her face, and Vladimir took his place. Angelica could no longer breathe with bliss. It seemed to her that she was soaring higher and higher above the world, ready to explode at any moment, giving the world millions of colored candy. And suddenly this moment came. A wave of bliss ran through her body and a trickle of warm liquid burst into her mouth. A moment later, Vladimir also came to the finish line, sprinkling Angelica's pubis with his sperm. Turning her head, Angelica saw Sophie exhausted, but smiling with pleasure. Sophie took a taxi to Angelica 's house and said: - I'm sorry if something was wrong. It was the first time I had it myself. - Everything was fine. I'll have to repeat it somehow, because I haven't told my story yet.
29 october 2021 0 6035


The benefits of marijuana and its main properties
Hemp paper

First of all, it must be said that hemp fiber is extremely strong. It does not wear out even with prolonged and sufficiently aggressive exposure to water. Technical hemp has long been used as the main material in the production of fabrics. And today, in many countries, the textile industry is suffering serious losses due to the fact that cannabis is a prohibited plant. Just think about it - hemp-based fabrics are ten times stronger than cotton ones! And various ropes, ropes, bags and bags made of hemp fabrics are the most durable;
Also note that one hectare of cannabis can be harvested four times more raw materials for paper than from trees on the same area. This is the only way to preserve forests, so hemp is also an opportunity to take care of the environment;
Cannabis seeds and stems can be actively used as the main raw materials in the production of coal, gasoline, and methane. At the same time, during the combustion of such substances, the environment will not suffer, there are no secretions that provoke acid rain and air pollution. Hemp charcoal can be used in the same way as wood charcoal. You can also use hemp oil as a fuel;
The benefits of cannabis for humans and even for humanity can be very noticeable when grown on an industrial scale and for purposes. To realize this opportunity means to get inexpensive fuel, clothing, paper and many other products. And only because in 1961 in the United States of America businessmen did everything possible to give a bad image to marijuana, today in most developed countries of the world it is still impossible.
The health benefits of cannabis
cannabis in medicine

It's amazing how much valuable information about the use of cannabis in the treatment of various diseases old medical books contain. Among the diseases even the most serious: cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma. Plus a large list of less serious diseases: migraine, asthma, sleep disorders and poor appetite, depression, etc. This is not a complete list of diseases that cannabis can cure. Or, at least, significantly reduce the symptoms. Cannabis is an extremely effective remedy, which has no analogues in the plant world.

Marijuana contains resins, vitamin K, choline, edestin, alkaloids, essential oil, carotene, cannabidiolic acid and other components that have a relaxing, soothing, analgesic effect on a person without consequences. The effect of cannabis is exactly the same as that of special medicines created for these purposes, but there are no side effects that the latter have.

Separately, I would like to draw the reader's attention to hemp seeds. They are an extremely powerful source of fatty acids and protein. Cannabis seeds are perfectly digested and well absorbed by the human body. Also, the seeds have strong moisturizing properties, which allows them to be used in cosmetology and the production of various hemp oils. On the basis of them, high-quality skin care products, as well as shampoos, have already been created. In addition, hemp oil is extremely useful. It can be used in cooking in the same way as olive oil.

As for the use of cannabis, it is worth noting that this is a long tradition in Asian countries. And it is not surprising that alcohol is not so widespread in them. The harm of alcoholic beverages has made them a real plague of the XXI century, but it is much more profitable for consumer society and, first of all, producers to produce as much alcohol as possible, since this is a huge profit. Of course, there is no question of any benefit of alcohol. And the fact that it causes addiction, from which the person himself and his loved ones suffer, is an indisputable fact. And if you don't focus on the use of cannabis, it definitely has a great future ahead of it. At least at the moment when the oil supply runs out on Earth, cannabis will definitely be remembered. Already today, the acreage of cannabis in Europe has grown significantly. And this is more than the right trend. New stores are opening that sell clothing and other cannabis-based products.
27 october 2021 0 4619

NOBODY KNOWS MEI am a transvestite.

Standing on my knees, I just sucked his cock. He stood towering over me, then holding the back of my head with his palm, so that the tip of my nose. Touched the bottom of his stomach. And the penis got right into the throat, it made my eyes water, I literally choked on his penis, barely holding back vomiting. And when he removed his palm from the back of my head, I gently caressed the head of his penis with my tongue and lips. Sucking it, sucking it into his mouth, tickling with his tongue. And when I was tired, I took a break. And played with his trunk with his hand. Gently podrachivaya his penis with the palm of his hand. But these seconds of rest quickly stopped, and again his cock was hammering me right in the throat. And I could only resign myself obediently, and kneeling open my mouth as wide as possible. And patiently let his cock slide there. Drooling flowed, tears smeared carcasses. Lipstick smeared... How did it happen, and it all started with my passion to change into women's clothes, walk around the apartment in underwear. Wear a wig, paint your lips. And the further it went, the more it dragged on. The more I wanted to be in a female image. Then came the fantasies and the need to be in a female role. Play with a dildo, wear a cork. Stimulate the ass, letting her work. And I didn't want to wear a dress, women's tights or trousers. And I wanted to wear something sexy that is not worn every day. And they dress it for sex, the search led me to latex, vinyl, leather... But it turned out to be expensive for an 18-year-old student living in a rented apartment. And it was not possible to purchase these things right away. But there was a goal and a great desire to possess these things. After a while, little by little I began to collect on the coveted outfit. I searched in the online delivery of sex shops, in the description of the range of products of sex shops. I saved up as much as I could, and now the long-awaited order came. The cherished box delivered by courier. I almost peed with happiness, immediately pulled everything on myself. I already had shoes, a wig, a choker. And in the newly arrived delivery box lay the cherished latex stockings and gloves. Putting it all on myself, I felt incredibly excited. Moral and aesthetic pleasure. I felt like a real whore, even my ass involuntarily ached with desire. But the image was not complete enough to look like a girl. I needed a corset, but economy, determination and desire. Soon they allowed me to buy a pre-selected black lacquer corset. The image was ready, and I immediately took a photo and shared it on one of the sites. To my pleasant surprise, this photo and therefore me. One of my friends, Valery, became interested. I've never seen him in real life, but I've been friends in social networks for a long time, I knew that he lives not far from me. That he's 36, he's a funny guy, with a beard and a beer belly. The owner of a small sports shop. Sometimes I joked with him in the comments, called him Uncle Valera. And he never touched on the topic of sex or dressing up. And then Uncle Valera began to show interest, showering compliments, making greasy jokes. And then he began to openly offer a meeting at all. Of course I refused, deciding that I could handle a dildo. Why do I need a bearded man with a beer belly. A few days passed, and I was alone again in the evening. As always in such cases, I changed my clothes, put on makeup. I showed off in front of the mirror, noting that I look frankly sluttish. And I don't know why, but I decided to open a bottle of whiskey, wash it down with a Coke. Sit on the Internet and listen to music. And not being drunk yet, but slightly tipsy. I began to feel an irresistible desire to communicate with someone, and Uncle Valera began to write to me again. The conversation somehow started this time, and from communication in messages. I found a continuation in the call, and we agreed before that. That I invited Uncle Valera. He was asking for it so persistently, and I was so lonely. And now Uncle Valera is standing in the doorway, with a satisfied smile. In jeans, a shirt and a funny vest. A ditina under two meters, weighing at least a hundredweight. With a beard... In life, he turned out to be good-natured, cheerful, such people usually know a lot of stories. And they tell them tirelessly. After looking me over, Uncle Valera shook my hand. He asked me how to address me, and without waiting for my answer. He said he would treat me like a girl. I didn't mind. I even liked it, especially since Uncle Valera turned out to be kind-hearted and funny by nature. He touched me every now and then, spanked me on occasion, pinched me. And then he asked if I love hard? I nodded in agreement. And then Uncle Valera changed. From being kind, he suddenly became strict. Even his voice changed, his tone became commanding. And it was clear that he was not making a face, that he clearly had experience in domination. And I wanted to obey, to become a submissive bitch. And follow all his commands, please...
13 october 2021 0 4822


So we set off. The flight was great, but as we entered the airport, I felt so hot that I was left only in trousers and a T-shirt. We immediately took a taxi to the hotel and took a shower. We were met by a young tall Egyptian, just an athlete and, taking our luggage, he made it clear that we needed to keep an eye on him and we entered the elevator, and then to our room on the fifth floor. The sight of this guy made me want to fuck right away. My friends have told me a lot about such guys here. I imagined him in bed with me and thought what kind of penis he should have and what size. I gave him ten dollars and he thanked me warmly and left. And I immediately rushed at my husband and started kissing him and taking off his clothes. He did not expect such a reaction from me, but I think this is the result of a meeting with vaping, although I start caressing him at home in anticipation of any reactions on his part to fuck me. It doesn't always work out. I immediately noticed that he got up and how it should be. Usually there is a boner, but it is as hard as today. This allowed me to think that he was in shape and that he was about to have sex like never before. And really! He took me and put me on the bed with his back up and lay down on me. The penis immediately found its way and pressed down on my crotch. But I wanted to prolong this rare pleasure and slightly turned over to face him and took the penis in my hand. Although I don't really like to take in my mouth, but this time I decided to try and thought the main thing is I won't let you cum in my mouth. And she began to suck pushing everything she could into her throat. He moaned with pleasure and helped pushing my head towards him. The balls collided with my chin and it excited him even more. I kept thinking that this way he would get more excited and fuck, but alas, he began to cum in my face. Immediately the boner disappeared and the penis became flabby and no longer stood up despite all my efforts to resuscitate it. My husband got dressed and said that he would go down to the hotel bar and that I could go down to him when I washed. I knew that his trips to the bar could last forever, so I decided that I had a lot of time. I took a shower and lay completely naked on the bed and dreamed about how great it would be if I could fuck in this chic hotel room. Ten minutes after my husband left, a knock on the door pulled me out of my dreams, I was surprised how my husband could come back so quickly and casually threw a robe over my naked body and opened the door. My body was only partially covered and my breasts and my hips were very noticeable. It was the same guy who brought us to the room. With a big smile, he showed me two cards for the door lock of our room and went inside to check them. I thanked him and waited for him to leave, but he did not leave, but closed the door and took my hand and kissed it, saying that he had never seen such beauty. I was surprised and he added that he saw my husband in such a company in a bar that he was unlikely to be released soon. I was surprised and wanted to straighten my robe, but I don't know how it fell off me to the floor. I was standing completely naked in front of a strange man I had just dreamed of and on the other hand I thought it was impossible, but I did nothing. He took my robe and instead of covering me with it, threw it away. Everything is already visible through his trousers. You can imagine what is hiding there and what masculine virtues he has. He snuggled up to me and I felt his huge cock against my stomach and how he rubbed against my pubis. When he touched me, I slightly wanted to move away from him, but he hugged me with both hands and pressed me closer to him. His hands began to gradually approach my ass and I automatically spread my legs, giving him the opportunity to find my crotch. I wrapped my two arms around his neck and started kissing him like crazy. Blowjob with my husband was the beginning of everything and his departure to the bar in me left a fire in my pussy and ass. I had to fuck, but there is an opportunity and I'm going to lower it! Lowering his trousers to the knee, he began to fuck me standing up. I don't know how he entered my pussy, but I immediately noticed that it flowed so profusely. The jets were already flowing down my thighs and the movements of his pelvis pushed me back with each entry into me. His hands held my buttocks and I tried to absorb everything in myself. He came violently into me and got dressed. I could hardly walk to the chair and he kissed me and said that this was just the beginning and that he would still show me how he fucks his ass. By the way, I give my husband a butt when he expresses a desire to fuck me and it seems to me that he likes it more. Two days later I was in the pool of our hotel when he came up to me. I was lying sunbathing and he himself offered to smear cream on me, otherwise I would burn. I rolled over on my back and he smeared it on me. Of course, his fingers did not leave a single place where they would not go: on the chest, on the hips, and especially where the hairs begin under the swimsuit. After that, I turned over on my stomach and again my fingers went between the buttocks under the swimsuit and sometimes I felt one finger pressing on the hole. After that, he offered me to go with him to his room in the basement. I immediately understood what was going to be discussed and how it would end, but that's what I wanted. I got up and we set off. The room was very small, with only a table with two chairs and a single bed. Immediately we undressed and kissed violently. He was standing with his shorts down and holding a huge shaved cock in his hand. I couldn't control myself and grabbed him and immediately started pushing him into my mouth. He took my head in his hands and impaled it on his pole. Suddenly he stopped and held me by the shoulders. My swimsuit was no barrier and he just let it down. He looked at me, pushing me away from him for a short distance and his gaze stopped at my brown triangle. Two fingers went there and he stuck them into me together. First he sniffed them because they were in my lubricant, and then he put them in my mouth. I just have to lick them. His hand lightly began stroking my ass. He turned me over with his back and began massaging my buttocks and I honestly enjoyed it. After all, I wanted to be fucked, I wanted sex and even to cheat on my husband at that moment I didn't care. I was like hypnotized and gave myself with might and main. After all, I began to see him as in a dream and imagine how he fucks me. My legs began to tremble and I felt that I was already in a state to lift me. He saw it right away and led me to the back of the chair and I rested on it. Bending me forward, he pushed my halves apart and put the head of a hot penis to my hole. She was burning with desire, but he was in no hurry to stick what I was waiting for. One finger entered, then the second and then the third and began to moan. A few finger movements in me were enough for me to have an orgasm that I had never had. My legs trembled even faster and the mucus went down my leg from the pussy and I really wanted to pee. I couldn't help myself and flushed urine down my legs. Only then did he decide to start what I had been waiting for for how long: he entered my ass the whole length, but slowly and confidently. His movements were rhythmic and each time he tried to go deeper and attract me even more to himself. It lasted a long time according to my standards with my husband. It seemed to me that it would never stop, but that's what I wanted. He fucked like an automaton and my organs were swinging and the impression that this is how you need to fuck a woman so that she doesn't look for sex, for some reason this idea came to my mind and it became funny to me. I finished several times and at the end he made a jerk and let a huge amount of sperm into me that she immediately started to come out of me and drip on the carpet. After that, he left, promising to repeat it again and again while we were here. After he left, I immediately began to clean up traces of semen, and only then entered the shower. I felt good and didn't think about how my husband didn't satisfy me before going to the bar. But I'm not sorry at all for what I did.
5 october 2021 0 5353

HEMP OILThe technique of growing...

Hemp oil: benefits and harms Hemp oil is a unique dietary product that has a high biological value. It contains a large amount of nutrients that are useful for human health. Their proportions are perfectly balanced, and therefore they are easily absorbed by the body. Such a useful cocktail is not found in any other representative of flora and fauna. Only some types of seafood have a similar, but less perfect composition.
Hemp oil can be safely called a special natural product that is of great biological value for humans. It contains a lot of nutrients that are useful for the body. In addition, they are presented in an easily digestible form and in ideal proportions. They are quickly and effectively absorbed by the body, having a positive effect on it. It is worth noting that such a useful "cocktail" of nutrients is not contained in any other plant or animal food. Those who associate cannabis only with a "drug" should know that psychoactive substances are contained only in adult plants. They are not found in seeds, so hemp oil is an absolutely legal product that can be found on supermarket shelves. Its useful qualities are officially recognized by medicine. Medicines, food products and additives are made on its basis. The composition of hemp seed oil For the preparation of hemp oil, a cold-pressed method is used. This allows you to preserve all its useful qualities. As a result, it has a high nutritional value. Its light green color is due to the high concentration of chlorophyll. The composition of hemp seed oil includes a unique "cocktail"of monounsaturated, disunsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, the highest concentration of which are: Palmitic; Oleic; Stearic; Linolenic; Linoleic. Also, hemp seed oil contains: Seven different vitamins; Several types of trace elements; Phytosterols; Carotene; Amino acids. The benefits and harms of hemp oil Contraindications of hemp oil Immediately I would like to note that there are no contraindications to the use of cannabis oil. It is a natural natural product that is easily absorbed by the body. An exception may be the individual intolerance of the plant, but this is extremely rare. The benefits of hemp seed oil Hemp seed oil has a number of useful qualities. All of them are proven by official medicine, and therefore it can be safely taken for therapeutic and preventive purposes. It helps to fight a large number of diseases and symptoms. Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that hemp oil is a highly effective preventive agent that can restrain the appearance of various diseases of individual organs and entire systems. The function of hematopoiesis Hemp seed oil has a positive effect on the function of hematopoiesis. It stimulates the synthesis of blood cells. This function is due to the presence of iron, zinc and chlorophyll in it. It is recommended to take it for people with anemia. The cardiovascular system The perfect balance of several types of fatty acids in oil reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, cleanses blood vessels and strengthens the heart muscles. It is recommended to take it as a preventive measure that reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Respiratory organs Hemp seed oil helps with problems with asthma and respiratory tract infections. It is recommended to take it for patients with bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Hemp oil has long been used as an effective remedy against dermatological diseases, including: dermatitis, lupus, vitiligo, eczema and psoriasis. It is part of many ointments that heal burns and boils, eliminate skin irritations. Digestion The inclusion of hemp oil in a regular nutritious diet allows you to adjust the work of the entire digestive system. It is effective for colic, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids and cholecystitis. It also acts as a laxative, which is recommended for people who are prone to constipation. Central nervous system Hemp oil has a positive effect on the central nervous system of a person. Doctors recommend including it in the diet for people suffering from insomnia, inhibited reaction, behavioral disorders, autism, hyperactivity and neurosis. Musculoskeletal system Hemp seed oil has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the human musculoskeletal system. The linoleic acid contained in its composition improves the absorption of calcium by the body, which strengthens bones. It is recommended to take it in food for osteochondrosis, bruises, osteoporosis, arthrosis, sprains and fractures. Metabolism With constant intake of food, hemp oil accelerates and improves the process of metabolism. It is recommended for people who have problems with excess weight. Immunity Hemp seed oil optimizes the work of the human immune system. It strengthens and enhances the protective functions of the body. As a result, it more effectively resists all types of diseases. Male and female organs Hemp oil has a positive effect on the human sexual system. It helps women to relieve pain in the premenstrual period, improves the general condition during menopause. It is very useful during pregnancy, because it contains vitamins that are important for the healthy development of the embryo. It also prevents excessive accumulation of fluid. Men are also recommended to drink hemp seed oil as a preventive remedy for prostate adenoma, impotence and cancer.
27 september 2021 0 5124

ORGY IN A TURKISH HOTELHow to enlarge penis

I noticed that my wife gets turned on by watching porn with group sex, and we often did this, watching several guys fuck one girl on TV. Yulia and I love each other and I couldn't just take and offer her to invite other men to our bed. My wife also told me that she would not be able to have sex with others, although this idea excites her. We began to make a variety of sex with the help of various dildos, and I noticed that my wife ends up well with large aggregates. I have a medium-sized penis of about 16x4 cm and the sight of my wife taking large phalluses of 20 cm in her small pussy and violently ending with them, excited me very much. I really wanted to see it live, but I couldn't imagine how to turn it into reality. Last year we decided to fly to the resort for a vacation and took an expensive hotel in Antalya with a good SPA complex. Yulia has long dreamed of spending the whole day in the SPA to completely relax and get a good massage. On the first day, she signed up for several massage sessions and SPA programs. In the afternoon we went to sunbathe by the sea, and in the evening she went to the first SPA session. Yulia returned to the room a couple of hours later and I was a little surprised by her appearance: disheveled hair, flushed face, swaying gait. "You look strange after a spa break, dear," I grinned. - Oh, listen, such a rich SPA program, a hot steam room, then a massage, I was just exhausted all over. I will definitely go tomorrow, too – " Yulia chirped cheerfully. She hid her eyes from me and chatted incessantly about all sorts of nonsense. Something about her appearance bothered me, but I could not understand what had changed in her. I was strangely drawn to possess her right now and excited by her behavior. - Come to me – I said in a hoarse voice with excitement and grabbed her around the waist, trying to get my fingers to the crotch. Yulia started to struggle, but her strength was not equal, and I threw her on the bed. - Honey, let's not today, I'm so tired after the SPA, she whispered, but I was relentless, I wanted to fuck her here and now. Running my fingers into her pussy, I immediately realized that she was all wet. And besides, it is so soft and pliable, as it usually happens after a large dildo that we use at home. The lips of the pussy were disheveled and swollen. Without thinking twice, I immediately drove my excited cock into her pussy. It hit me like an electric shock, and it is – her pussy was strained and wet. My cock did not meet any obstacles and just fell into a hot wet pussy. Wild jealousy and excitement covered me and I began to fuck her developed pussy hard until I finished, a few minutes later. I don't know why, but I decided not to pretend that I noticed something strange and behaved as usual after sex, gently kissed her and whispered how good it was for me. -You're kind of strange tonight, – Yulia muttered in surprise and went to the shower. The next day, we both behaved as if nothing had happened, but I had a plan in my head: I wanted to see what my beloved wife was doing in this SPA salon. In the evening, Yulia got ready for a massage session, I kissed her on the cheek, waited for ten minutes and followed her. When I went to the SPA salon, I did not meet the administrator, probably there are few customers here in the evening and he went somewhere. I immediately went to the massage rooms, they were fenced off from the corridor with thick screens, and I began to check each of them in turn. Voices were coming from the third room, and I carefully pulled back the edge of the screen. Aha, and here is our administrator – a strong Turk of about 30 years old, sitting on the edge of the couch and chatting sweetly with my wife. Yulia was already in one towel and was waiting for the masseur to prepare the oils. The masseur was a wiry and tall Turk in a light medical suit, through which a heavy penis was clearly visible in a semi-excited state. I immediately realized that what I came here for was about to happen and I was wildly excited. My cock was standing like a stake and was ready to jump out of my pants. At this time, Yulia threw off the towel and lay naked on the massage table. It surprised me that she was not at all embarrassed to be naked in the presence of other men. The masseur applied some oil to her back and began to knead her shoulders. The second Turk at this time was sitting in a chair and watching what was happening. The masseur started from the shoulders and gradually descended down, began to knead her elastic ass and legs. He spread her legs and began actively massaging the inner part of her thighs, touching her crotch with his hands. Apparently, Yulia was not at all against such a frank massage and enjoyed it. Her mouth was half open and she was moaning faintly. He turned her over on her back, spread her legs, and I saw how my wife's hole was already oozing moisture from excitement. "Here's a lustful bitch, she already wants to get a good blow," I thought. A large member of the masseur was already full and thin pants could not hide his desire. "Come on, get down to business already," I mentally asked. As if reading my thoughts, he took off his light trousers. "Wow, yes, his unit is even bigger than our biggest realist. No wonder her pussy was so stretched yesterday, " I thought and immediately imagined how he would fuck her. The penis was really good: thick, at least 20 cm in length, with a large head. My wife, without thinking twice, began to suck it greedily, turn it up with one hand, and caress the scrotum with the other. She could swallow his long cock only half, while making guttural sounds and smacking her lips. He sat her on top and began to slowly insert his penis into her wet hole, which was so excited that she took his huge cock right to the end. My wife moaned like I had never heard before. At first, she smoothly sat on him with full amplitude, but soon the Turk pressed her to his chest, taking her by the neck, and began to drive his piston vigorously into her pussy with loud slaps. With every movement of his penis, Yulia groaned and moaned loudly. The penis quickly appeared and then disappeared again in her once narrow pussy. It was visible how the pussy was tightly stretched on his thick penis with every movement. All this time, the second Turk was sitting in a chair and jerking off, watching as the masseur pulls my wife. Apparently, he was tired of just looking, and he came up behind Yulia, who was riding on another member. Having smeared his penis with massage oil, he began to attach himself to her ass. The wife stopped moving for a while and slowly took it in the ass, then planted her pussy on the second member and they began to fuck her hard in two trunks. I almost lost my mind from this picture, my wife is fucked like the last whore by two men! They pull it to the full, and she herself is dragged by it. The wife violently finished literally a couple of minutes after both of her holes were filled.
But the Turks did not want to just let her go and continued to fuck in a different position. Now she was on her knees and sucking the administrator's cock while the masseur fucked her from behind. She mumbled with pleasure with a cock in her mouth and sat down on another with her hot pussy. From her cool blowjob (I already know), the Turk did not last long and began to cum in her mouth. Yulia milked his cock to the end and the Turk fell wearily into a chair. At this time, the second one was already close to the final, he pulled out a member and began to shoot sperm on her chest. Yulia said something playfully to them and went to the shower. I decided to leave as soon as possible before anyone noticed my presence. Yulia came to the room 20 minutes later, in a good mood and clearly tired. I asked, barely restraining my wild excitement. - Oh, it was so good, you can't imagine. I couldn't restrain myself any longer and just pounced on her, opened her robe and rushed my stake with a standing member into her hot bosom. The pussy was opened from recent sex, very juicy and stretched, it was immediately clear that a large penis had worked well there. It turned me on very much and it took me a few frictions to cum in it. – You're just a super whore, I want you like this – " I whispered. – I'll do anything for you, honey…
14 september 2021 0 6675
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