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Hemp seeds are a product that has been known for its beneficial properties since the ancient world. Outwardly, they look like flax fruits, buckwheat or small kernels of corn. It is noteworthy that there is no cannabinol in them, unlike the stems and leaves, which makes the seeds absolutely safe for consumption. They are successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking. They keep them for a year. The best place is dark and dry.
Composition features
Cannabis seeds contain:
49% of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3 and 6. It is noteworthy that their ratio is ideal in terms of daily requirements;
30% protein. The uniqueness of hemp seed is that it contains a component identical to the protein in human blood. There are few such plants in nature. For example, they contain 65% globulin and a little less albumin. They are very important for maintaining the immune system, as they produce antibodies. With their help, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Another feature of the seeds is the absence of gluten, which is characteristic of all cereals. Therefore, they can be consumed by people who are allergic to this component and with celiac disease;
vitamins: E, C, group B, D, caratinoids;
amino acids (20 in total, 10 of them are non-reproducible by the human body);
minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.).
If we talk about the nutritional value of this product, then 100 grams of cannabis seeds contain:
proteins - 20-30 g;
carbohydrates - 0 g;
fats - 30-38 g;
water – 11.5 g .
The total number of calories in this case is 373 kcal.
Medicinal properties of hemp seed
It is recommended to buy cannabis seeds because of the health-improving effect they have. The main positive qualities:
prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, strengthen heart muscles due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in the composition;
normalize the level of hemoglobin, so they are used for anemia;
they envelop the gastrointestinal mucosa, so they are prescribed for various digestive problems;
they are characterized by anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, therefore they are successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes;
they are an analgesic, diuretic;
relieve stressful situations, effectively fight insomnia;
they improve memory and concentration of attention, so the use of these seeds is shown to people engaged in the field of intellectual work;
prevent liver diseases;
they remove toxins from the body, promote weight loss, improve intestinal peristalsis;
used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity;
reduce the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence, infertility;
they increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers, so they are recommended to use if it is not enough;
have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, prolong youth;
they are considered a good tool in the fight against PMS;
they have a positive effect on the general condition during the treatment of oncological diseases.
Cannabis is also successfully used in various alternative medicine recipes.
Hemp seed can be used not only internally (as tinctures and decoctions), but also externally. They are used to make various poultices to relieve pain during abscesses, rheumatism, burns.
How to use hemp seed
Before you buy cannabis seeds, you need to know how to use them. Except as a medicinal product, they are used as a dietary supplement.
Fruits are components of salads, sauces, desserts, pastries. Medicinal hemp tea can be brewed from them. Ground seeds are added to cereals and coffee. They go well with dried fruits, vegetables and cheese. Hemp seed can be combined with the fruits of other plants: flax, sesame, sunflower. Also, flour is made from it at home by grinding seeds in a blender.
In order for cannabis seeds to bring maximum benefit, a person needs to eat 35-40 g (1-2 tablespoons) of hemp seeds per day. The following dishes and drinks are made from them:
1. Hemp milk. It is necessary to buy cannabis seeds in Moscow and mix them with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively. Whisk the resulting mass in a blender and strain. The product can be added to sauces, prepared on its basis a variety of cocktails, fruit smoothies. Excellent combinations are obtained with bananas, pears, apples, mangoes, raspberries, cinnamon, honey;
2. kon.jdkAshi. To prepare them, you need to take peeled hemp seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds in equal quantities. They need to be filled with water and left overnight. Then this mixture should be washed, add the chopped fruit and whisk in a blender. You can also cook porridge only from hemp seeds. They are soaked in cold water for several hours, and then brought to a boil, but not boiled. After the porridge has boiled, it is turned off and wrapped in a towel for a few minutes. You don't need to add butter to the dish;
3. Desserts. Using such an ingredient, you can make delicious homemade chocolate. To do this, you will need:
seeds - 1 tsp.;
cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
butter - 50 g;
sugar - 1 tsp.;
milk - 2 tbsp. l
The proportions can be changed depending on the desired amount of the finished product. First soak the cannabis in cold water for about 2 hours. Melt the butter in a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients in another container and bring to a homogeneous mass, add the butter. Bring all this to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the seeds into the hot mixture, pour into molds and send them to the refrigerator or freezer to solidify. If desired, you can also add coconut chips, nuts, etc.;
4. Urbech. This dish is traditional for the peoples of the Caucasus. It is a thick paste that is consumed independently or spread on sandwiches. Ingredients: hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and honey (1 tbsp each). The seeds must be cleaned, fried, ground in a blender and add honey. The product is ready. There is also a second recipe for this dish. You will need: honey, sunflower seeds and hemp - 3 tablespoons each, half a cup of apricot seeds, 20 g of butter. It is necessary to remove the core from the seeds, fry them together with the seeds and grind, add pre-melted butter and honey. Please note: urbech is characterized by a high calorie content, and therefore consume it in reasonable quantities. If you are diagnosed with obesity, it is better to refuse the dish or consult your doctor beforehand about the possibility of its use.

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